Dear people who are reading this right now. Thank you for coming. When writing a post I find it’s good practice to wait for inspiration to strike so that I’m in the zone a bit, so that it’s an enjoyable experience and not a chore.

As you know, I sometimes draw comics. I have a lot of comics that I’ve drawn but haven’t posted. In fact, I have so much content I’m finding it a little overwhelming to try figure out how best to present it all. In fact, I bet most people have a lot of interesting work stuff sitting on their hard drives or in their sketchbooks that the world might never see. I’ve been experimenting with galleries for different collections of comics, like Bru & Boegie, Bunny Komix, Mike’s Universe, Random Comics and Comic Jams on different pages, looking at webcomic plugins, and I’m currently thinking I may need to use some kind of custom image tagging system plugin and tag each media (comic) I upload, and then have a filterable gallery or something, or pull images directly from Google Drive. I dunno. For the ‘Why?’ I guess just for posterity.

I also have a bunch of old animation work I want to edit and upload, that’s also sitting on a hard drive. My YouTube channel‘s hit some kind of calcified status of 81k subs, it’s a lot. I’ve deleted pretty much every single social media account I have, but I’ve kept my YouTube channel. I still like it. I also like that I have a self-hosted website that I have some control over, and it isn’t owned by a billionaire tech bro who wants to market ads to me (as an ex-Google CEO stated, ‘marketing is lying’). Though, what’ll likely happen is the WordPress theme or website will go out of date and get eaten up by The Internet Monster’sā¢ ongoing advancements, as has happened with many of my previous websites. So, maybe it’s not worth investing too much time into, it’s as temporary as everything else.

Anyways, here’s some various comics. I can’t remember drawing some of them, but I found them, either on my iPad, in my sketchbook or elsewhere. I haven’t managed to get any kind of coherent filing system down with which to collate the various comics, it seems that no matter how hard I try it’s like trying to chase the dragon, and it keeps escaping.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the comics in this post. I have a couple other posts in drafts that I’ll probably get around to posting when the mood strikes.
I think the below was a comic jam between James and me. I’d tag him, but he’s well and truly off The Wild Web – wise.
Another comic jam ‘KLEM’, with what looks like James:

I’m also in the process of making a short Bru & Boegie point-and-click adventure game. More to come with that BOYEEEEE.

Bro, bonus BUNNY KOMIX:

Bro, bonus BONUS COMIC, probably the most important comic of the 21st Century, well done you found it: